Introduction. Different approaches to modeling and using of neural networks
Features of construction and working of brain
Binary neural network classifiers
Logical neural networks
Hemming neural network
Multi-Layer Neural networks.
Forward neural networks
Back propagation algorithm
Different kinds of learning of MLP
Using of MLP for forecasting of time series.
Counterpropagation neural networks
Recurrent multi-layer neural networks
Using of recurrent multi-layer neural networks for recognition of grammatically correct sentences.
Using of recurrent multi-layer neural networks for control of robots. LSTM-neural networks.
Radial basis functions
BAM/Hopfield associative memory
Adaptive resonance theory
Architecture ART1
Architecture ART2
Architecture ARTMAP, FuzzyART
Architecture MLP-ART
Spike neural networks.
Using of Genetic Algorithms for learning and evolution of neural networks
New trends in development of neural networks
Condition for passing of midterm exam – selection of task for solving by NN,
Selection of kind of NN, learning method, training set, tool for implementation.
Condition of passing of final exam – implementation of NN and presentation of experiments with it.