<% set rcs = conn.execute("SELECT * from paper ORDER BY [publish_year] DESC") %>


  <%dim journal_i dim conf2005_i journal2005_i = 1 conf2005_i = 1 'count the number of journal rcs.MoveFirst do while not rcs.EOF if rcs("type") = "Journal" then Dim strYYYY Dim strMM Dim strDD Dim d 'Set your variables d=rcs("publish_year") strYYYY = CStr(DatePart("yyyy", d)) if strYYYY = "2009" then journal2005_i = journal2005_i + 1 end if end if rcs.MoveNext Loop rcs.MoveFirst 'count the number of conf paper do while not rcs.EOF if rcs("type") = "Conference" then 'Set your variables d=rcs("publish_year") strYYYY = CStr(DatePart("yyyy", d)) if strYYYY = "2009" then conf2005_i = conf2005_i + 1 end if end if rcs.MoveNext Loop rcs.MoveFirst%>

Home > Publication > 2009



<%if journal2005_i>1 then%> <%journal2005_i = journal2005_i-1%>

<%If Session("blnIsUserGood") = True then %> <%end if%>

<%end if%> <%do while not rcs.EOF if rcs("type") = "Journal" then %> <%end if%> <%end if%> <% end if rcs.MoveNext() Loop%>


<% 'Set your variables d=rcs("publish_year") strYYYY = CStr(DatePart("yyyy", d)) strMM = CStr(DatePart("m", d)) strDD = CStr(DatePart("d", d)) %> <% if strYYYY = "2009" then journal2005_i = journal2005_i - 1 %> <%=rcs("title")%> <%if (rcs("file") <> "") then 'if public is ok if (rcs("public1")= "Yes") or ((rcs("public_after") + 1 < now) or (Session("blnIsUserGood") = True)) then 'ok, public this paper %>  "> <% end if %>
<%if conf2005_i>1 then%>

<%If Session("blnIsUserGood") = True then %> <%end if%>

<%end if%> <% rcs.MoveFirst do while not rcs.EOF if rcs("type") = "Conference" then %> <% 'Set your variables d=rcs("publish_year") strYYYY = CStr(DatePart("yyyy", d)) strMM = CStr(DatePart("m", d)) strDD = CStr(DatePart("d", d)) %> <% if strYYYY = "2009" then conf2005_i = conf2005_i - 1 %> <%end if%> <%end if%> <% end if rcs.MoveNext() Loop%>


<%=rcs("title")%> <%if (rcs("file") <> "") then 'if public is ok if (rcs("public1")= "Yes") or ((rcs("public_after") + 1 < now) or (Session("blnIsUserGood") = True)) then 'ok, public this paper %>  "> <% end if %>
