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Security Infrastructure for Smart
Ubiquitous Computing
Lab, Kyung Hee University.
Project Introduction
Our current project is to build up a security infrastructure. This infrastructure along with our context-aware middleware (CAMUS) will provide Secure Smart Space Environments. For the first proposed architecture, we are dealing with five major modules: Authentication, Access Control, Intrusion Detection/Prevention, Trust Management, and Privacy Control.
Some day in very near future, we’ll be staying in ubiquitous environments where human are facilitated in every day life. Security is critic for these environments: users must be authenticated, confidentiality and integrity have to be assured (mainly in wireless communications) and the access to the resources must be controlled.
For the first proposed architecture, we are dealing with five major modules: Authentication, Access Control, Intrusion Detection/Prevention, Trust Management, and Privacy Control.
Entity Recognition (a novel authentication approach for Ubicomp)
The Ubiquitous Computing paradigm foresees communicating and computational devices embedded in all parts of our environments, from our physical selves to our home, our office, our streets and so forth. In this new paradigm devices will interact, almost spontaneously, with certain other devices that is both unknown and changing.
Access Control
Ubiquitous Computing Environments are physical places augmented with heterogeneous computing and communication devices along with supporting software infrastructure.
Trust Management
Ubiquitous Computing foresees a massively networked world supporting a population of diverse but cooperating mobile devices where trust relationships between entities are uncertain.
Intrusion Detection / Prevention
In Ubiquitous computing systems, access control mechanisms and trust management offer the first layers of defense that sometime can fail to protect devices completely against software attacks such as DoS attacks, wireless sniffing, unauthorized access and so forth. Thus we need an IDS to detect and response to such attacks