In the area of virtual product and manufacturing environments, the protection of sensitive information including technical data (e.g. construction plans, simulation results) as well as business related documents (e.g. strategy papers, business plans, schedules, minutes of executive meetings, internal progress reports, proposals) is of outmost importance for the commercial success of a company, since quite a huge amount of manpower and expertise had to be invested into the creation of these data and these documents contain a lot of valuable information about future products or plans.

Two foremost important security services for the protection of such sensitive information are user authentication and access control. Motivated from the fact that, existing authentication and access control approaches are not quite applicable and flexible for manufacturing environments, we are focusing on design and develop a new security model with key components are user authentication and access control. Meanwhile, other components are also provided including a confidentiality module, a integrity module, and a key management module. 

This project was to build up a security infrastructure. This infrastructure along with our context-aware middleware (CAMUS) will provide Secure Smart Space Environments. For the first proposed architecture, we were dealing with five major modules: Authentication, Access Control, Intrusion Detection/Prevention, Trust Management, and Privacy Control. Authentication and Access Control modules support flexibly and variously devices and methods, such as Smart Badges, iButtons, Smart Watchs, PDAs, integrating conventional authentication approaches (Username/Password, PKI, Kerberos, etc) and emerging identity recognition technology. The Resurrecting Duckling security policy model is an example of entity recognition; ducklings know that their mother is the first entity who sent the imprinting key when they were born. Trust Management supports trust collaborations and interactions which usually occur among roaming entities. By modeling trust relationships in smart spaces environments, unknown entities from different domains can interact and request services and resources from a given domain in secure and privacy manner. Besides, Privacy Control is integral part in this convenience but obtrusive environment. It provides location privacy, anonymous connections and confidentiality of information to users 







     Webmaster: Le Xuan Hung
     Last Updated:  August 10, 2009
     Best view: 1024x768

2008 Ubiquitous Security Team
Department of Computer Engineering, Kyung Hee University,
Sochen-dong, Giheung-ku, Yogin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 449-701, Suwon, Korea
Tel (82)-31-201-3713